Why *free* virus protection often isn’t enough

“Is this free virus protection OK Ken?”

Hypodermic Syringe

This is one of the questions I get asked all the time and my answer is – its OK if your data isn’t essential and you don’t mind being without your computers for a few days. You might also note that most ‘free’ licences are usually free for home use only, so beware if you are using a free version for business use.

The free virus protection is usually updated only once a day, leaving gaps for new viruses to infiltrate. They only offer basic protection from the most common malware (MALicious softWARE) and they’re usually run from very basic servers (that’s why they’re free) and that means if there is an influx of attacks, the servers can’t cope.

Paid for versions of virus protection don’t just remove malware once it’s downloaded, they actively monitor and guard against the whole range of malware (which includes spyware, rootkits, trojans and bots) and they’re run from robust servers that can cope with a major malware outbreak. These servers  and therefore your computers are constantly updated as new dangers are discovered.

If you are running on a free version, please ask yourself “Is the safety of your business and your peace of mind worth paying a few pounds a month?” (AVG Internet security works out at less than 10p per day, newspapers cost more than that). Or you could take the risk of losing your IT systems for a several hours if not days and losing all of your data, for good!

If you have any doubts, call me now. Better safe than sorry.

Don’t forget, its not just your own machine you need to protect. If you have a virus you could easily spread it to anyone you send an email to – that’s why its called a virus!

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3 Responses to Why *free* virus protection often isn’t enough

  1. Ann Hawkins says:

    If you connect to the internet via your phone, is your phone then vulnerable to virus attacks Ken?

  2. Ken Seymour says:

    Hi Ann

    ‘Smart’ phones have operating systems just like your PC or notebook, they are able to run programs you can download from the internet. There have been a number of ‘virus’ attacks on smart phones, but so far these have done little overall damage. The main damage is through internet browsing. You have heard of phishing in relation to the computer, but this sort of attack is easier on mobile devices as their screens are smaller, so more difficult to see that you are on the wrong site. This make it easier for the criminal to get you bank login details. This is why many anti malware vendors are now selling products for the mobile market, especially those run on the Android operating system. One of the prime protections they give is against phishing sites.

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