Dangers of Computer DIY

Recently we have been involved in a DIY SOS project in Peterborough (Children in Need) and this got me to thinking….

Many of these TV programs have to fix either bad work of bad builders or bad DIY projects. The same is true of the IT industry, we often have to fix DIY disasters, sometimes the reality though is we can’t! Although we spend many years training and are always learning and improving our skills, it seems that many with no understanding will just ‘Google’ their problem and apply the first ‘solution’ that comes up, whether it be pertinent or not!

Have we become so blasé with computers, we believe that skills are no longer needed? Now I am talking about skills that users should have, but perhaps ‘I haven’t got time to learn’ (how to save my data ). A typical scenario goes like this…..

Computer plays up, Google solution, first person says, sounds like malware, run your recovery disks. User duly does, then realises never backed up, PC now working fine, but all the pictures, company accounts, list of customers, contractual documents and emails are now—– (Shock, Horror, Arrgggghhhh) GONE.

Angry Person in OfficeUser now Googles ‘data recovery’, downloads first program found, installs and finds there is no data, then they bring it to us.

Yes, we have had this, the problem being that the re-install has written all over the Office and personal documents and pictures. The installation of a recovery program is just compounding the issue. If you ever believe you have lost your data NEVER NEVER NEVER go on internet, download programs or copy anything onto your computer, everything you do makes the data recovery harder and very soon, impossible. Data is stored in areas of the disk, as soon as another program or file uses the same storage area, your data is smoke alarm level, totally unusable blackened toast.Burnt toast

The moral? Ask a professional, or learn – you really have not got time to make that sort of mistake. I mean, you do not have the time to do it wrong. Another moral, never fix your PC when angry!

If you want any information on how we can help recover your data, help you with backups (on-line and local) then just just Tweet me @Ask_Ken or pick up the phone (01480 469019) and ask me!, or if the email isn’t toast, then sales at ktscomp.co.uk. Or click here contact KTS

This could save you time, money, your job, your business and your marriage (or perhaps your wife might not be upset because you have erased all pictures of your children).


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