Why you need updates

It’s really annoying isn’t it, you are just typing that important email and a pop up says update available for xyz product, do you want to update now?

All you think is go away, can’t you see I’m busy.

Why does your PC seem to forever be wanting to do updates, and should you let it?

There are a number of systems on your computer, apart from the operating system, you will likely have Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, Java, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, among others. As time goes by hackers are forever attempting to find security holes in these products because they are so ubiquitous. If they can find a security hole then they have a high chance of hacking your computer before you solve the problem by applying an update. Basically the longer you leave an update the more dangerous it is to you and your business.

As soon as the manufacturers are aware of a security hole or a bug in the software (a bug will make the program possibly unstable in certain circumstances) then they will write a fix for it. This will then be pushed out as soon as possible to consumers (you and me)

We regularly get computers in that have infections, but they would not have been infected if the latest security patches had been applied

So one of the best ways to ensure your security and online safety is to allow Java updates to run, allow windows updates to install, and allow Adobe updates to install. yes it is a nuisance, but not as much a nuisance as having a non working computer or having all your friends emailed with SPAM or malware of some description.

Like your car, your computer does need some regular TLC, and updates are one of the important checks every owner needs to do. Lets work together to stamp out problems and update, update update, Patch patch patch. best time to do it is just before you go home. For Windows you can change the update time, perhaps setting this for 4:30 or 5pm. Other programs can also be altered on their update timings perhaps making your life a little easier.

This is great if you only have a few computers, but if more then it can take a lot of your time. Ask us about setting up a centralised update system to roll out updates soon after they are released.

If you do have problems we are here to help, phone, call or email us on 01480 469019

You can also send us a question on Twitter    @Ask_Ken

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